6 Tips for a Successful Fall detox

calendar 10/14/14
6 Tips for a Successful Fall detox
6 Tips for a Successful Fall detox

Fall Detox

Year after year detoxing in Spring with smoothies, juices, and salads remains widely popular. But did you know that your body could benefit even more from a Fall detox?

And that there’s absolutely no need for major diet or lifestyle changes when doing a Fall detox? A Fall detox is not so much about cleansing the body as it is about supporting the organs responsible for doing the cleansing.

After the bright and busy summer months, our bodies long to rest and recover and need all the help they can get. Luckily Mother Nature has given each of us exactly what we need to restore our natural balance. Our liver, kidneys and digestive tract! The only job we have is making sure they function properly. And once again, Mother Nature can lend a helping hand.

1. Add antioxidants to your diet with Green People’s astaxanthin capsules

The key to a successful detox is antioxidants and one of the most powerful antioxidants available today is astaxanthin, made by plankton and algae. This antioxidant also fortifies the immune system and has strong anti-aging properties. 3 for the price of 1! Take 1 or 2 astaxanthin capsules twice daily and you can rest assured that your daily intake of antioxidants is taken care of. [product sku="GP/N036"]

2. Give your liver and kidneys a well-deserved boost with LaDrômes Birch Sap or Depuradrome

Birch sap stimulates urine production in the kidneys. It removes toxins and excess fluids while restoring flexibility to your joints and giving you a radiant skin. Depuradrome for optimal kidney and liver function also contains birch tree extract, as well as cleansing extracts from nettles (Urtica) and dandelions. 100% natural. Mix daily a table spoon of birch sap or about 20 drops of Depuradrome with some water or juice and your liver and kidneys will thank you for it. [product sku="LD/170361"]

3. Use Amanprana’s coconut fibre to say goodbye to a lethargic digestive track

Avoid constipation by adding coconut fibre to your diet. Just like vegetables with a high fibre content, coconut fibre gets stuff moving, eliminating toxins in short order. Regular bowl movements give you a healthy body because the longer toxins stay inside of you, the more they feed fungi and viruses, leading to a plethora of chronic diseases. How to say goodbye to that lethargic digestive tract? Add a table spoon of bio coconut fibre to your breakfast cereal, soup, yoghurt and enjoy the subtle taste of coconut. [product sku="AMAN/KV"]

4. Self-massage and help drain your body of toxins with Amanprana’s Babaluna

Enjoy a warming and relaxing self-massage to help drain your body of toxins by using Amanprana’s body oils. Babaluna is particularly suited for this, as it contains essential oils from camomile and lavender. The oil has a calming and soothing effect while gently stimulating the lymphatic system to transport excess fluids and toxins out of the body. Slowly massage in a circular movement a drop of oil into the skin, always towards the heart. [product sku="AMAN/BABALUNA"]

5. Spice up your digestion with the warming teas of Qi

Can’t let go of your daily cup of tea and caffeine boost during your detox? No worries, opt for Qi’s spiced white tea or its ginger green tea instead. They contain healthy, warming spices such as ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg that keep the fire of your digestion going and keep cold hands and feet at bay. [product ids="469"]

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6. Intercept the winter flu by rinsing your mouth with Amanprana’s mouth oil

Ever heard of oil-pulling? It’s an ancient ayurvedic detox technique in which you thoroughly rinse your mouth with oil. Pulling and pushing the oil around between your teeth and in your oral cavities stimulates the body to speed up its detoxing processes. The Amanprana mouth oils also contain essential oils of clove, cinnamon, oregano, mint or fennel to provide you with the best oral hygiene. [product sku="AMAN/MO"]

Extra tip – Qi-boards

The best way to help your Fall detox along is by preventing more toxins from entering your body. One way of doing this is by cutting your fruits and vegetables on a Qi-board. These cutting boards are pure camphor laurel. No adhesives, no pressed waste wood. Unique and 100% natural. The natural antibacterial camphor oil smell will gladly greet you as you unwrap your very own Qi-board.

How long does a Fall detox take?

Minimum 3 days, maximum 3 weeks. According to Ayurveda, you can give your body a great, nourishing detox by eating kedgeree three days straight. And depending on how much you use, a bottle of Depuradrome can last you up to three weeks. But Amanvida advises you to try out our tips for one day only and see how you feel at the end of that day. Because as Nietzche once said: “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.”

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