Matcha is a finely ground Japanese green tea. Monks in the East began consuming matcha because it helped them meditate. Drinking matcha induces a concentration which is unmatchable. You feel alert, but not franticly excited like coffee often makes us feel.
This combination appeals to us Westerners more and more. How often do we hear of someone trying to kick their coffee addiction? It is not surprising, therefore, that matcha is becoming increasingly popular in the West. Perhaps not yet as a meditation aid, but in the form of a tasty and healthy green tea. Or mixed with milk to make a matcha latte. It does not really matter how you drink matcha, it matters that you drink it. Because why would you deny yourself something healthy and tasty?
Matcha is made from covered green tea plants. The last 4 weeks before the harvest, large canvases are opened over the tea plants to influence the photosynthesis process.
8 Reasons to Drink Matcha Every Day
1. Matcha comes from chlorophyll-rich tea plants
Matcha is made from covered green tea plants. The last 4 weeks before the harvest, large canvases are opened over the tea plants to influence the photosynthesis process. By reducing the amount of sunlight the plants are exposed to, the plants will produce more chlorophyll, as a survival mechanism. Chlorophyll normally provides plants with oxygen. Because of this reduction in sunlight exposure, the tea plants’ leaves become greener so that when the leaves are ground to matcha a deep green, chlorophyll-rich tea powder is produced.
2. Matcha is rich in EGCG, a super antioxidant
Matcha has a high ORAC-value. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and refers to the amount of antioxidants found per 100g. In general, to neutralize free-radicals, it is recommended for your daily ORAC intake to be somewhere between 3500 and 5000. Kotobuki Matcha from Amanprana has an ORAC value of 168500/100g.
EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals. Free radicals are small particles that enter the body from our surrounding environment and arise in our body when burning energy. This is something our body does constantly to stay viable. It is preferable to have few ‘free radicals’ because they can easily damage our cells and DNA, which is believed to be one of the main causes of our lifestyle diseases and the aging of the body. Matcha can act as your healthy warrior against these little damage bombs. An antioxidant namely links itself to free radicals, so that they can no longer do any harm.
3. Matcha creates a healthier intestinal flora
Matcha is a source of polyphenols. Polyphenols are rich in the healthy substances found in plants, vegetables and fruits. They are in part responsible for health improvements when consuming more vegetables and fruits. These polyphenols are also found in the tea plant (the camellia sinensis). Therefore, when we take them in via matcha, they provide an increase in the good intestinal bacteria that strengthen your immune system and prevent the growth of possible ill-makers. Unlike other green teas, with matcha you drink the entire tealeaf and not only the water-soluble particles. Therefore, you consume more polyphenols.
4. Matcha stimulates your metabolism
In other words, Matcha helps you slim down. Several studies have shown that through its unique combination of caffeine and catechins, matcha can help you lose weight. Your metabolism – the burning mechanism of the body that releases energy – is boosted when your drink matcha. According to some sources, thanks to matcha the calories burnt per day could increase by 8% to 35%. This does not mean that you feel hungrier or need to eat more. It means that your body removes wastes faster.
Super Premium Matcha Ten - 'TEN' is Japanese for 'heaven', which refers to the superior quality of this organic Japanese Matcha. Available only in limited quantities.
5. Matcha supports your liver and kidneys
Matcha not only accelerates the removal of waste materials, as mentioned above, but also takes care of the liver and the kidneys. After a night out, it will do you well to drink matcha. Matcha rehydrates the body. The oxygen level in your blood will increase due to the chlorophyll present, even in your liver and kidney. Thus, your hangover will be less intense. Research has shown that the consumption of matcha, therefore, limits liver damage. Not only ideal for those that enjoy a glass of wine on a regular basis, but for everyone. Your liver and kidney work constantly to purify your body and could use all the possible support available.
6. Matcha stabilizes your blood sugar levels
Because when you drink matcha you drink the entire tea leaf, you also take in the fibres of the tealeaf. These fibres and the high antioxidant concentration in matcha should prevent swings or fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. The sugars naturally found in matcha help with stabilizing blood sugar levels. In China, doctors even use the concentrates of polysaccharides (sugars) found in matcha to treat diabetes.
Matcha with a bright green colour is rich in chlorophyll. This indicates that the tea leaves were properly covered and were harvested at the right time. Matcha with a yellow-green colour is of lower quality. This matcha is made with tea leaves that were not correctly covered, not covered long enough, or is made with tea leaves from the bottom of the tea plant.
7. Matcha increases your productivity
In need of focus and healthy energy to get started? Don’t grab that unhealthy energy drink; allow yourself a cup of matcha. Matcha contains L-theanine, an amino acid that the production of GABA-waves stimulates in the brains. It inhibits the activity of nerve impulses and is, therefore, highly stress-regulating. Moreover, matcha makes a combination of L-theanine and caffeine, or better said, theine. L-theanine slows down the action of theine. For this reason, matcha drinkers say it gives them calm, clear focus. They are alert, enthusiastic and have exceptional focus without being nervous or rushed.
8. Matcha makes you happy
The amino acid L-theanine in matcha also ensures that more dopamine and serotonin flows through your brains. These are known ‘happiness hormones’, that work together to make you feel good in your own skin. Shortages of these hormones will make you feel restless; you can hardly sleep, you may show symptoms of depression… your vitality decreases. By drinking matcha you can prevent or avoid all these symptoms. And let’s be honest, what could be better than a cup of bright green organic energy full of antioxidants, oxygen and other beneficial substances to steer your body toward healing and health?
More information about this green superfood can be found on our page “Matcha – how, when and which to use?”
Why do you drink matcha?