Is hemp healthy? Does it make you high or happy? Spoiler alert: it's definitely not high, because we're talking about the legal cousin of the cannabis version of the hemp plant, which contains hardly any THC (psycho-active substance). Whereas the cannabis plant resonates more with soft drug lovers, the hemp plant is well known among health food and environmental enthusiasts. Hemp is so versatile, easy to grow and rich in valuable nutrients that it's rightly called the Queen of Plants and hemp oil Mother Nature's most perfectly balanced oil. Discover 7 reasons why hemp makes you HAPPY.
1. A thousand applications for hemp
For many millennia, the hemp plant has been sacred to mankind. Its versatile uses, as rope, bag or clothing, cosmetics, biofuel, paper, as food and medicine for humans and animals, the list goes on, made hemp an integral part of life for our ancestors. The omnipresence of this plant in cultures around the world, filled and still fills many civilizations with the highest respect for this beautiful, powerful plant.
2. Hemp seed oil: Mother Nature's most perfectly balanced oil
Hempseed oil is sometimes called Mother Nature's most perfectly balanced oil, because it has a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids. It also contains smaller amounts of other 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, because of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acid. This combination is unique among edible oilseeds. Hempseed contains all the essential amino acids and all the essential fatty acids that humans need.
3. Superfood hempseed is packed with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and trace elements
Hempseed oil contains many antioxidants (vitamin E), carotene (precursor of vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sulphur, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. In addition, hemp seed oil is also a good source of chlorophyll. This vital chlorophyll fights iron and magnesium deficiency and protects the body against free radicals. Hemp has a blood-purifying and blood-producing effect and is also easy to digest.
4. The hemp plant does not need pesticides or herbicides
The hemp plant does not need pesticides and herbicides because it protects itself naturally against pests. It is a distant relative of the fig, mulberry and nettle. The latter also has the fantastic ability to neutralise polluted soils while not releasing any harmful substances into its leaves and flowers. Hemp also has the ability to loosen up soils and supply them with oxygen. So this miracle plant not only takes good care of us and the soil in which it grows, but also of itself.
5. Hemp is a fast-growing plant that thrives almost anywhere.
Hemp, just like bamboo, is a very easy plant, which grows very fast and can capture a tonne of CO2. The plant thrives almost anywhere, regardless of climate zones and soil conditions, and can even make desert areas fertile again. That means this plant is economical, environmentally friendly, easy and a possible (vegetarian) solution to the global food shortage.
Organic hemp products from Hanf Farm
The German company Hanf Farm has been producing high-quality, organic hemp products for the modern kitchen since 1996, such as beneficial hemp oil, (un)peeled hemp seeds to spice up salads, cornflakes or smoothies, hemp proteins, hemp flour, snack bars, etc. Ideal for vegetarians and vegans, people with a gluten allergy and for athletes. Hanf Farm has developed a special combine harvester that can harvest the buds, blossoms and seeds of short and long hemp varieties without damaging the plants. Hemp is gluten-free and has a rich, nutty flavour. Try the following recipe:
Falafel with hemp seeds and proteins

INGREDIENTS (about 10 balls)
1 can of chickpeas, drained
2 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp unsweetened vegetable milk
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/3 tsp of sea salt
1 tsp ground cumin seed
½ tsp of ground coriander
20g hemp protein powder from Hanf Farm
1 tsp peeled hemp seeds + 3 tsp to roll the balls in
Put the chickpeas, garlic, vegetable milk, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, cumin and coriander in a food processor. Mix well, stopping occasionally to scrape the sides clean. Put everything in a bowl and add the hemp protein powder together with 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds. Stir well with a spoon. The mixture should be easy to work with your hands, if it is too dry or crumbly, add another tablespoon of unsweetened vegetable milk.
Preheat the oven to 190C. Make 10 falafel balls with your hand and then flatten them. Roll each falafel through the hemp seeds and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake the falafel balls in the oven for 15 minutes. Take the baking tray out of the oven, turn them carefully and bake for another ten minutes. Let the falafels cool to room temperature before serving.