Write a product review and maybe you’ll be the lucky one that wins a gift card worth € 10. Each month the Amanvida team picks a winner from the reviews written that month. The winner will be announced on this page.
Have you recently purchased something from us? Write a review for one of our products and have a chance to win a gift card worth € 10.
The more reviews you write, the higher your chance will be of winning the gift card below!
The product reviews you write, will be published alongside the products on our website.
The winner of November 2017 is Violette (French). She wrote a review about Amanprana's extra virgin organic coconut oil:
I used to use another brand, but this coconut oil has a smell that reminds me of summer vacation. I use it for my entire body, also to brush my teeth by simply adding a bit of baking soda. Even my kids use it, to get the knots out of their hair, to treat little wounds ... and we use it in the kitchen. I love this product!
[product sku="AMAN/K"]
Thanks, Violette!
Don't forgot to check your email, you can expect your gift card in your mailbox.
Do you also want to write product reviews? Go to the product page of the product you want to review, click on ‘reviews’ and let us know what you think.