Drinking apple cider vinegar or ACV is in these days. It is said to help lose weight or support the body in detoxification. But apple cider vinegar is good for much more. Besides being a tasty seasoning, it is also a useful cleaning agent. Many health benefits of apple cider vinegar are attributed to 'the Mother'. This is the cloudy substance that sometimes floats around in apple cider vinegar. It is the flora of bacteria, probiotics and fibre created during the fermentation of apple juice into apple cider vinegar. If you want to use apple cider vinegar for its health benefits, it's best to choose organic, raw, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar with the Mother!
What is apple cider vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar or ACV is a type of vinegar made from apples. One first lets apple juice ferment. The fruit sugars convert to alcohol, giving you 'apple wine'. Here, oxygen and acetic acid-forming bacteria are added so that the goodness ferments. This fermentation process changes the apple wine's taste, smell and appearance and turns it sour. There you have your cider vinegar!
Use cloudy or clear apple cider vinegar?
There are two types of cider vinegar: cloudy and clear. In the original unfiltered apple cider vinegar, you will see a cloudy mass floating around. This contains fibre and all the good nutrients of apple cider vinegar. People call it the Mother.
Clear cider vinegar is filtered and no longer contains the 'Mother'. This is usually sold in supermarkets. It may look tastier, but has much less nutritional value.
In terms of taste, there is not much difference between cloudy or clear apple cider vinegar. But if you want to buy a quality apple cider vinegar, it is best to choose an organic, raw, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar.
Using apple cider vinegar for your health
Many health benefits are attributed to apple cider vinegar with the Mother. You can use it both internally and externally.
Many people drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach or before every meal. This is said to help burn fat and contribute to the normal functioning of the metabolism. It is also said to make you less likely to get hungry, thus preventing you from snacking and snacking as much and thus reducing your calorie intake. Vinegar is even used in mocktails these days.
Note: Never drink apple cider vinegar undiluted! Apple cider vinegar can damage your tooth enamel or irritate your throat. It is therefore also recommended to drink it diluted in water with a straw and rinse your mouth with water afterwards. Also, never use more than 2 tablespoons of vinegar per day.
Among other things, apple vinegar is also said to contribute to normal blood pressure, help with diabetes and it is antimicrobial, which means it can help heal wounds. The benefits of apple cider vinegar on the body have not yet been studied scientifically enough. It is certain, however, that it has a positive effect on the skin.
Thus, you can use apple cider vinegar as a rinse for your hair and scalp. It is said to help with dandruff or flakes. Put a splash of apple cider vinegar in a large glass. When in the shower, fill this glass with water and pour it over your hair. Leave for five minutes and rinse well. Use this rinse only every 3 to 4 washes and not if you have dry or damaged hair.
Apple cider vinegar is also said to be good for blemishes. Rub your face or pimples with a cotton ball filled with apple cider vinegar. Leave on for about five minutes and wash your face well with water.
Use apple cider vinegar as a condiment
With all these health benefits, we sometimes forget that apple cider vinegar is also a great natural seasoning in the kitchen. Convenient too, because if you don't like drinking apple vinegar, you can just incorporate it into your food!
You mainly use apple vinegar to make sauces, vinaigrettes or marinades in combination with spices or other flavourings. A little apple vinegar gives a fuller flavour or enhances certain flavour accents.
Furthermore, apple cider vinegar adds flavour and texture to homemade baked goods, especially where no egg is used (vegan).
In addition, apple cider vinegar is a grateful remedy for cleaning fruit and vegetables. Fill a large bowl with water and add some apple cider vinegar to it. Soak your fruits and vegetables in this for ten minutes. Rub everything again with the water and dry. Your fruits and vegetables will not taste like vinegar, but they will be free of bacteria or pesticides.
Using apple vinegar as a cleaning agent
Did you know that you can clean much more in your home with apple cider vinegar? Thanks to its antiseptic or antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner. Put equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Shake briefly and your all-purpose cleaner is ready.
(Apple) vinegar is also the solution to get streak-free windows or glass doors. A splash of vinegar in some water with a drop of washing-up liquid and your windows will shine!
You can also just wash your dishes with just vinegar in warm water. Lime stains on taps will disappear like snow in the sun if you leave apple cider vinegar on them for half an hour.
Rub leather shoes with a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar for a few minutes to remove stains and dirt. You can also do this with a mixture of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
And apple cider vinegar is also a great tool against unpleasant odours. Pour some pure apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and spray a little in the areas where the bad smell is. You can also put a bowl with some vinegar on a cupboard for a fresher smell.
No apple cider vinegar in your home yet? Don't hesitate any longer and enjoy the power of this beautiful natural product.