
Probiotica is passé, synbiotica is de volgende stap

Probiotics is passé, symbiotics is the more complete, next step

Symbiotics refer to foods that contain both prebiotics (= plant-based) and probiotics (food-based). Prebiotics are nutrients from the (gut) bacteria. These are soluble or fermentable fibers that you can find in artichoke, banana, onion, asparagus and leek. Probiotics are live 'good' bacteria, present in food or preparations, such as yogurt, kombucha , kefir and miso.

Why Choose Symbiotics Over Probiotics?

Symbiotics, unlike probiotics, are a fermented, live culture based on ' complete nutrition ' that provides everything needed to support the gut flora, including the survival and colonization of the microbes, their diversity, highly bioavailable digestive nutrients and a healthy environment. Symbiotics are natural, safe and as a source of unique nutrition go far beyond a capsule full of bacterial cells.

Read more: Fermentation creates super-super foods...

Transforming superfoods into super-superfoods through fermentation

Some superfoods are not naturally well absorbed by the body. For example, think of coffee and cocoa, soy, maca, turmeric,... A solution for this is fermentation . Fermenting herbs and foods is a great way to take advantage of the functional properties of foods. In addition to drastically increasing the bioavailability, the properties of the fermented herbs and foods are additionally enhanced. Ancient knowledge that is known and applied on all continents, in many cultures. The nutrients contained in the plant are activated naturally, rather than isolating or extracting the components.

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