Omega 3 6 7 9 and Okinawa Omega. When is it recommended to use Okinawa Omega oil? Why should I choose Okinawa Omega oil over a fish oil capsule? What’s the difference between Okinawa Omega oils and other omega blends? Read the answers to these questions and others here.

When is it recommended to use Okinawa Omega oil?

Everyone can benefit from increasing their daily consumption of healthy fats. Epidemiological studies in Western Europe show that on average the proportion of omega 3/6 is good, but there is a recommendation that we increase the amount of omega 3/6 in our general fat consumption, through our daily diet or by taking a supplement.

There are two essential fatty acids which our bodies need but can’t make for themselves: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, the type of fatty acid in the omega 3 family) and linoleic acid (LA, the fatty acid found in the omega 6 family). So the only way we can get these fatty acids (omegas) is from healthy food or from supplements. When our bodies have enough ALA and LA, they can make the other omegas themselves. Every Okinawa Omega oil is a healthy food supplement designed to meet this need for fatty acids.

Omega vetzuren in Okinawa Omega blendsWhich Okinawa Omega oil should I use?

Variety is important in everything you eat. It’s good to know that there are only slight differences in emphasis between the various Okinawa Omega oils. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is stated on the bottle, and every omega blend also contains omega 9 and 7.

Are Okinawa Omega oils ‘raw food’?

The Okinawa Omega blends are 90.00% ‘raw food’.

Why do the Happy Delight, Happy Perilla Special and Balance Delight oils contain more omega 6 than omega 3?

For optimal functioning, our bodies need more omega 6 than omega 3. Official bodies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommend a 10:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3.

Can too much omega 6 (sunflower or hemp oil) promote inflammation?

Omega 6 consists of 20 different fatty acids. Each one has its own function in the body and mind. In the omega 6 family there are two fatty acids which play a role in inflammation:
1. Arachidonic acid, a member of the omega 6 family, can act as a building block to promote inflammation. Omega 6 arachidonic acid is primarily found in peanuts and meat.
2. Another member of the omega 6 family, dihomogamma-linolenic acid, also acts as a building block to inhibit inflammation.
By itself, there’s nothing wrong with inflammation. Inflammation stimulates healing (e.g. diabetics who get a wound in their foot sometimes do not get any inflammation. The wound doesn’t heal, which can lead to amputation of the toes, foot or leg).

Why are all omegas present in every Okinawa omega oil?

There are no isolates in nature. Naturally-occurring plant-based fatty acids are always a combination of omegas, and Amanprana wants to preserve that natural composition. Amanprana passes on nature’s gifts intact.
Each omega has its own function for the body and the mind. By taking the omegas together, the body has access to all the omegas it needs. That’s the only way to prevent and correct an imbalance.

Omega olie, biologisch, Okinawa Omega van AmanpranaWhy should I choose Okinawa Omega oil over a fish oil capsule?

Fish oil is made up of EPA and DHA, derived from omega 3 (ALA) and omega 6 (LA). EPA and DHA are not essential fatty acids. Your body can make EPA and DHA for itself from ALA and LA. Plant-based ALA and LA are the essential fatty acids that your body can’t make for itself. In plant-based form, ALA and LA are more holistic and easier to absorb.

Fish oil capsules are isolates. Fish oil capsules are also not organic and not 100% active, because of their inert packaging (made from glycerin).

One teaspoonful of Okinawa Omega blend is equivalent to at least 10 fish oil capsules, and since it isn’t in capsule form, your body can absorb the Okinawa Omega oil completely – none of it is wasted.

What’s the difference between Okinawa Omega oils and other omega blends?

Okinawa Omega oils are the only omega blends with 8 kinds of vitamin E (7 from red palm oil and 1 from wheat germ oil) and a broad spectrum of carotenes from red palm oil. The red palm oil and wheat germ oil in every Okinawa omega oil provide the vitamins needed for absorption of the omegas and to naturally prevent oxidation of the oil, which is particularly important for our bodies.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) strongly recommends that omega oils are taken only in conjunction with an adequate intake of vitamin E. Amanprana’s Okinawa Omega oils are the only omega blends that comply with the World Health Organisation’s vitamin E recommendation. They are the only blends with 8 kinds of vitamin E, which are of course completely natural.

The carotenes in the red palm oil strengthen and complement the effect of the vitamin E.

Can someone with a gluten intolerance or gluten allergy use Okinawa Omega oil? After all, every omega blend contains wheat germ oil ...

Yes, every Okinawa Omega oil can be used even by those with a gluten allergy or gluten intolerance. Gluten binds to proteins, and there are no proteins in the oils.

Every Okinawa Omega oil has been tested for gluten by the SGS laboratory. These tests confirm that the blends contain 0% gluten.

For how long can I store an Okinawa Omega oil?

Vitamin E and carotenes help prevent oxidation of the omega oils, both in the bottle and in our bodies. The Okinawa Omega blends contain high amounts of vitamin E and a broad spectrum of natural carotenes from the red palm oil and wheat germ oil.

The omega blends are also sold in dark-coloured bottles with a paper wrapping to prevent oxidation from sunlight.

After opening, the oil will keep for at least nine months outside the fridge, because it contains such high quantities of carotenes and 8 types of vitamin E. If you don’t use up all of the oil within that period, put it in the fridge to extend its shelf life. When you want to use the omega blend, take it out of the fridge 24 to 48 hours in advance to allow it to liquefy again, then shake well before use to ensure a perfect blend.

How can I check whether my bottle of Okinawa Omega oil is still good to use?

To check whether Okinawa Omega oil is still usable, pour a little onto a teaspoon and give it a sniff. A rancid smell means it has started to oxidise, and you shouldn’t use it.
Don’t sniff the bottle itself. The oil around the mouth of the bottle oxidises faster than the oil further down, because it comes into contact with oxygen more often.

How can I prevent oxidation of my Okinawa Omega oil?

Vitamin E and carotenes help prevent oxidation of the omega oils, both in the bottle and in our bodies. The Okinawa Omega blends contain high amounts of vitamin E and a broad spectrum of natural carotenes from the red palm oil and wheat germ oil.

The omega blends are also sold in dark-coloured bottles with a paper wrapping to prevent oxidation from sunlight.

Omega 3 6 9 7 - Okinawa Omega - Specific

Perilla olie in omega blend van AmanpranaWhy is Eicosan Perilla oil recommended for a limited course of treatment only, and not for long-term use?

Eicosan Perilla contains a highly concentrated blend of oils with high quantities of omega 3 and low quantities of omega 6. Eicosan Perilla is recommended only to correct omega 3 deficiencies and to rebuild resistance.

Omega 3 helps maintain the elasticity of your cell walls so your cells can absorb oxygen and expel waste, which boosts your resistance. Because your cell walls can absorb more oxygen, you’ll also have more energy. Energy and optimal resistance are essential for the recovery process.

A limited course of Eicosan Perilla oil is recommended during illness to correct an omega 3 deficiency, allowing you to recover more quickly. We also recommend you take a course of Eicosan Perilla in spring and autumn to boost and support your metabolism.

What is perilla oil?

Perilla oil is the plant-based oil with the highest levels of omega 3. It’s pressed from the seeds of a plant called Perilla frutescens and has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic, Japanese and Asian medicine to treat a wide range of ailments.

Perilla oil contains more alpha-linolenic acid than linseed or flaxseed oil and is also milder in taste. Perilla oil has particularly high quantities of health-supporting phenols such as luteolin, quercetin, catechin and apigenin.

Perilla oil is involved in colds and persistent coughs, improves lung function and treats inflammation (histamine, thromboxanes, 5-lipoxygenase and prostaglandins). It lowers the allergy marker IgA, helps with asthma, increases resistance, helps fight inflammation, helps prevent blood clots without increasing the risk of brain haemorrhage, and helps protect against cancer.

What is eicosan?

Inflammation and pain can only be activated by hormones, particularly eicosanoids. Hormones are biological substances in the human body which act as messengers with the aim of triggering actions. They’re minuscule in size but far stronger than any medicine. Our 60 billion cells communicate via hormones.

The eicosanoids belong to the autocrine group. We can’t live without eicosanoids, and eicosanoids can only be made with essential fatty acids (ALA – omega 3 and LA – omega 6).

Eicosan Perilla is named for its ingredient perilla oil and for the anti-inflammatory properties of eicosanoids.

hennepolie van amanprana - balance delightWhat’s good about the hemp oil in Balance Delight?

Hemp oil can continue to maintain a healthy omega balance for a long time after each use, without causing an omega deficiency or unbalance. Hemp oil has a better ‘long-term’ composition than other similar oils, such as those with a 3:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. In addition, hemp oil contains almost 2% of GLZ (gamma-linolenic acid), an active constituent essential for health.

Balance Delight is also suitable for short-term therapeutic use to correct an omega 6 deficiency.

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